Administer the Vaccine at Your Location

  1. Appointment Overview
  2. Administer the Vaccine at Your Location

Page Purpose:

The vaccine administration window is designed to streamline the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine from the provider to the registered individual.

Video Tutorial:

Page Elements:

  • To administer the vaccine, find the individual using the appointments grid and click the blue “update” button.
  • The Vaccine Administration window will appear. The first tab is labeled Basic Info. This tab includes the Patients Details, Appointment Details, and Previous Appointments Information.
  • To administer the vaccine click the “Administer Vaccine” tab.
  • The first piece of information presented to the vaccinator is the responses to the medical questionnaire. Any responses that need to be reviewed by the vaccinator will be highlighted in yellow and a comments section is provided for documentation.
    • If the individual has not completed the medical questionnaire, click the “resent registration info” button and the system will send the link and confirmation code to the individual to complete the screening.
  • Once complete the vaccinator will make a determination.
    Yes, vaccine was administered
    No, there was a problem with the medical questionnaire
    No, the patient did not show up
    No, there was another issue.
  • If the vaccine was administered, click the “yes, the vaccine was administered. The system will automatically select the date and time of the vaccine administration and further options will become available.
  • In the Vaccine information section, select the lot number for the vaccine that was administered. This information is driven by the lots tab in the location details page.
    • Once the lot number is selected the system will auto fill the brand, expiration date, Administered Dose, Route.
    • The vaccinator must select the site, and initial/booster.
  • In the Vaccinator Information, select the name of the vaccinator and the associated credentials will auto fill. This information is driven by the vaccinator tab in the location details page.
    • If a student is administering the vaccine, the name of the supervisor must also be selected.
  • In the Vaccine Information statement section, select the delivery method of delivery for the documentation. The documentation is determined by the lot number of the vaccine. The date given and publish date will auto fill.