Setup Your Locations Schedule
Page Purpose:
From the “Schedule” tab, a provider will be able to setup their site’s availability. The public will be able to register only on the days and timeslots made available by the provider.
Video Tutorial:
Page Elements:
- A provider is able to add availability to a day by timeslot or by time block template.
- To add availability by a timeslot, simply click on the timeslot you wish to add and click “yes” in the confirmation window.
- This allows for ultimate flexibility when creating a daily schedule. However, this method is not very efficient.
- To add availability by a time block template, you must first create a template. Click the “Day Templates” button at the top of the calendar.
- To add a new template, click the “Add New Record” button and a new row will be added to the grid. Click into the name column and name the template. Next, select a start time and an end time and click off the grid. The grid will autosave. Close the window.
- To apply the time block template to a specific day, click on the date column in the grid and click “Add to Current Day”
- Apply the time block to multiple days. Congratulations, you have added availability to your location.